Saturday, October 26, 2013

October Debt Update

*As of today we have $9135.91 of credit card debt*

Couple notes on this.  One, I know it looks almost exactly like the same amount our September debt number was...and to be honest, I think the September number was wrong...because this number is absolutely correct but it is AFTER we paid $995 towards our debt this last month.  So I dunno what happened....let's just pretend September didn't happen I guess. 

But guys...let's focus on the good news!  

1) We paid $995 toward our cc in October (in Sept we only paid $161)
2) I found a new awesome Snowball App!

Let me tell you about our finances and how apps have been changing my life (one of the reasons I needed to splurge on the new iPhone 5s...I'm so bad, I steps ok?).  

My most favorite app is our YNAB app that synchs with our software on our computers.  It the easiest, most efficient way for both my hubby and I to track our expenses together.  And it's so great to look back and see how much we spend on certain categories.  I'll rep YNAB till the day I die.  YNAB for life.

My second favorite app has nothing to do with finances, but is an Anesthesia board review question app.  So if for some reason, someone reads this and needs a good resource for the purple Hall Anesthesia question bank app...also life changing...literally...I'll probably save someone's life someday because of something I learned on it (ok, maybe that was a little dramatic...but it could happen!)

My third favorite app is a brand new app I just discovered that YNAB posted a link to on their Facebook account.  It's called Payoff Debt, and it's a debt snowball app that is $2.99.  The lady who created it has a website about her own journey with paying off over $100,000 in debt.  It's such a great way to track progress and I love that it is on my phone and I can email my husband our progress and stats from it too**.  Check it out, let me know what you guys think : )

Based on this app's info, it states that if we continue to pay $1590 a month towards our cc debt we will be debt free by April 2014.  BUT, this doesn't include the extra paychecks my husband and I get in January or our tax return (Hubby was finishing up MBA this past year so I think we will get some money back), and both of these things will obvi be going towards slaying our cc debt.  My estimate is we finish off in February/March.

**I will still chart our progress on our debt chalkboard...but until we are caught back up to were we left off in June I refuse to go back to I think next month I will be able to color some of our thermometer in.

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